so this has been flying around on facebook and the blogosphere for a while now and my roommate
jackie from the pink panda just tagged me, so here goes!
25 things about me1. i have 5573 songs, 15 days, or 29 gigs of music on my laptop/ipod, and i'm always looking for more.
2. i daydream constantly.
reverie by me3.
i have three younger brothers that are all bigger than me now.
4. i was born in michigan, but i've lived in mississippi, texas, ohio, california, maryland, michigain again, and my family just moved to north carolina this summer.
5. as a result of #4, i never want to "settle down" in my life. ever.
6. i have a lot of ocd tendancies.
7. i am extremely quirky. the toilet paper has to roll over, not under, my boyfriend has to walk next to me to my right, i like to have assigned seats at the dining table, etc.
8. i have an extreme, irrational fear of objects flying at me. thus, i don't play sports, and dodgeball is the. scariest. thing. ever.
9. sushi is probably my favorite food, and i really enjoy
trying to eat healthy.
10. i've always thought that fashion was interesting, but as an artist, i always felt guilty about it. however, i attended a lecture by one of my favorite photographers,
kelli connell, and she listed fashion as one of her inspirations! so i've come to realize that i shouldn't be ashamed of anything that i like.
carnival by kelli connell, one of my favorite pieces by her
11. i originally came to western michigan university to persue a degree in graphic design, but i learned so much about fine art that i decided i wanted to do that more instead. so at the insistance of one of my professors, i applied to the photography and intermedia program and got in!
12. i currently have 15 credits and two jobs here at school. i am in charge of all of the equipment that the school has for students to check out, and i am a photographer for the
western herald.
13. i drink the recommended 8 glasses of water a day, which is 8 cups of water, or four standard water bottles, or two 1 liter bottles a day. i pee a lot.

14. i get motion sickness when i read in moving cars.
15. i absolutely love roller coasters.
cedar point's millenium force is my favorite so far!16. the more chocolate, the better.
17. i can't function without coffee in the morning.
18. i've only had one pet my whole life, a golden retriever/cocker spaniel mix named sammy. we had him for six months.
19. i'm definitely straight, but i find women extremely attractive.
20. my roommate once asked me if i identify more with the earth or with the sky, and i chose the sky because it's unknown, free, and constantly changing.
21. i've always wanted to be able to fly.
22. i love wes anderson, sofia coppola, and woody allen movies.
short film hotel chevalier, part I of wes anderson's the darjeeling limited23. i don't usually talk unless i have something usefull or intellegent to say.
24. i like to incorporate hip hop and dated terms into my everyday speech because i think it's funny. i use words like jankity, shady, and rad
all the time.
25. i have no tolerance for being fake or for people that are fake.
other randoms:
i don't like sleeping.
i don't like wearing socks so i wear mismatched ones.
i am completely obsessed with hello kitty.
i have a love/hate relationship with teevee.
tell me about you!